Cloud Mining on Genesis
Apologies for the delayed update everyone. Last I checked, Genesis has been back to their daily payout schedule. Currently, I’m mining Dash, Bitcoins and Ether. All other alt coins’ mining power has been utilised to mine Bitcoins.

I cry every night on the missed opportunity when Bitcoins were selling at the $3,300 to $3,500 range. As most of you would know, it is at $6,000 now.
That being said, mining it has been reaping my huge returns.
Return on Investment (ROI)
Before you get all excited, the returns are not 100% from mining, a portion of it is mined personally by yours truly. I make use of the hardware from my office and just let the program run in the background.
My daily estimated earnings hover around the $1 per hour range. It’s a slow climb.
Dash Mining Contracts – ROI 86.5%
I started investing in Dash contracts back in July which cost USD93.20. 3 months later today, my Dash mining ROI has dropped to 86.5% p.a. I’d attribute the drop in ROI to the fall in Dash prices. Still, 86.5% in returns is still very, very substantial.
Bitcoin Mining Contracts
Ok, so I’ve messed up with Bitcoins here. It’s getting difficult for me to track what portion of my returns are from Genesis’ open-ended Bitcoin mining contracts and which are from my own personal mining. But the returns are definitely HUGE because of Bitcoin’s increase in value. I estimate that about 30% of the Bitcoins in my portfolio are mined personally.
NiceHash Miner
The program I use to mine personally is called NiceHash. It is free to use and eats up your PC’s GPU which in turn consumes your electricity. The interface is very user-friendly and if you’ve got a spare PC lying around at home, play around with it. But be aware of the spike in your TNB bill (Disclosure – I own TNB shares XD).
So there you have it, between my Genesis mining contracts and personal mining skills, I’ve more than paid for my initial investment in Dash contracts. It’ll be pure profits from here on out. Although at my company’s expense in electricity.
If you’re planning to purchase mining contracts on Genesis, please go ahead and key in the following code: KT7r1S which gives you a 3% discount on your purchase.
I’d also like to sincerely thank everyone again that has been using my referral code. I’ve received many many additional hashpower thanks to you.
Onwards and upwards!