Nestle Bhd 2017 AGM
Nestle Malaysia Bhd had their annual general meeting on 27 April 2017. I’m a month late in posting this but if you’ve been keeping up with my Facebook updates, you’d know that I went for the AGM but Nestle had, unfortunately, ran out of their door gifts. So here are the events that transpired.
The Annual General Meeting (AGM)
27 April 2017 was a gloomy Thursday and Nestle’s AGM was set to begin at 10 am. I was a little late and arrived at 10.15 am. The meeting was already underway and I didn’t want to disturb everyone by entering late. I proceeded to register myself and collect my door gift.
The whole AGM had a carnival-like atmosphere to it. Nestle set up a few booths promoting their new products and I’m pretty sure the shareholders that arrived before me had a wonderful time. However for me, arriving at 10.15 am, I only got to witness the aftermath.

Nestle Ran Out of Door Gifts!!
So, adding salt to my wounds, I found out after queuing for a good 15 minutes that Nestle had run out of door gifts and vouchers. Obviously, the shareholders weren’t happy with this and were making a scene the whole time.
Picture a hundred or so royally pissed old folks all around you, raising their voices at the poor Nestle IR team and demanding door gifts even though they had none. It’s not like they didn’t have a solution, Nestle had promised to deliver the door gifts to us. We just had to write down our contact details.
I didn’t see the point in arguing or reprimanding the good people at Nestle, it’s not like they could magically produce more goody bags for us.

19 May 2017 – The Arrival
Nestle’s door gift arrived on my doorsteps on 19 May 2017. It came with a nice little card thanking me for my patience as well as an RM50 Lazada voucher which was only eligible for Nestle products.
In the box were the usual Maggi noodles, Nescafe powder, and cereal. Passed all of it to my family and I took the bottle of Milo for myself. With the RM50 Lazada voucher, I bought myself 30 cans of 240 ml Nescafe Latte.
All in all, it was a pretty good haul for me as a shareholder.

Investing in Nestle Malaysia Bhd
I’ve been a firm and staunch shareholder of Nestle Malaysia since March of 2014. I’ve also been receiving their goody bags in 2015, 2016 and most recently this year.
I own 200 units of shares in Nestle with a gross investment of RM13,376. Since 2014, I’ve received a total of RM1,620 in dividends from Nestle. That’s a 12% return via dividends only for 3 years. Today, my investments in Nestle are worth RM16,460, giving me a capital gain of 23.06%.
I’m expecting better dividends this month from Nestle and I’ve been looking for an opportunity to purchase more shares for 3 whole years now. The company just keeps growing, even with the implementation of GST in Malaysia.
Another really exciting development from Nestle Malaysia is their foray into e-commerce. The company is working really hard to increase revenue from their online sales and it should see huge increases in contribution to their bottom line in the coming years.
Do you own any shares in Nestle Malaysia? What do you think of the company?
Thanks for reading!
For more AGMs, head over hERE for a long list of Malaysian companies and their door gifts.